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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Rockingham - Aliens In Bedroom and House - January 2018

In the past ten days...this "entity" report appeared on MUFON - seems TWO household folks, experienced something anomalous at the same time....hmmm.

Full link can be found here at UFO Stalker - an excerpt appears below:
 ...."i fell asleep earlier than usual, and woke up to see a dark, tall figure/entity standing at the end of my bed, my xbox light made it clear there was something there; however i felt a bit weird; i wasn't scared more confused then anything. i turned my lamp on and it disappeared like dust, it was like it was never there. i didn't think anything of this at the current moment, maybe i was hallucinating because there is a thing called 'hypnagogic hallucinations'. however, the next evening every one was in the kitchen talking and i told my mothers partner about what i had seen and he said "you mum freaked out last night because of a dream". i then asked my mum what had happened and she got very freaked out about it. this is what happened to her at the same exact time as i saw this entity (she has a clock next to her tv). 

 she said that she thought she heard her partner coming up the hallway from the kitchen, she said she heard footstep and it stopped at her bedroom door, she looked beside her and saw her partner instead sleeping next to her. she looks at the door to see a dark shadow figure standing at the door; she shoots up from bed and it disappears. we were both freaked out that we say the same type of entity at the same time period,".... 
I'm on record as being not a fan of the alien in the bedroom phenomena... unless these "aliens" are multi-dimensional it would seem to be nothing but imagination.